Edit Products

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From the Administration Panel, select Edit Catalog. Select the category that the product to be edited is in.


Navigate to the product and click the button for the area that is to be edited.

The Search tool can be used to find products. Type the product name or a portion of it into the search field and click the search button, all products matching that product name will appear regardless of which category they are in. Read more about the Search tool in the Manage Products topic.



Edit - The edit menu is where product details such as Name, Price, Description, License Agreement, Affiliate Commissions, Taxable are managed. See Add Products
Remove - Removes the product completely and permanently from all categories.
Inventory - Manage the product inventory and SKU codes.
Discount - Manage discount codes and one-time gifts.
Shipping - Set the shipping method for each product.
Files - Upload and manage thumbnail image, preview/demo file, product files, key codes
Attributes - Set selectable options such as color, style, format. Collect product specific information.
Fulfilment - Send fulfilment notices. Initiate product delivery. Automate services.
Flags - Product flags provide a way to easily display standardized text for assigned products. Create and maintain flags through the Configuration > Shop Parameters menu. Then select flags for each product through Edit Catalog > Flags.
Make HTML - Generate/Edit product detail pages. Change META tags for the product detail pages.
Update - Update is a method of sending messages and file downloads selectively to customers who have purchased a specific product.
Gift - Send a message with a link and password for a free downloadable product file. A default text message is written within the message field. This can be edited so that you can use any message you desire. The default text message also contains two tokens %email% and %password% which you can use to give the customer the information to login and download their product files.
Categories - Move or copy a product to a different category.
Qty Pricing - calculate price of this product based on quantity of this product OR all products in the order.
Up - Move a product up within the category.
Top - Move a product to the top of the category. Note: only one user can do this at a time. If this is being used by a shopping mall member there might be a short delay while AShop waits for the move to finish. If a shopping mall member has used this button and then suddenly lost his/her Internet connection or shut down the browser the Top button might become locked. The administrator will be able to unlock it through a link that will appear when he/she uses it.