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Online Sales Office
Order Entry, Customer & Vendor Management, Purchase Orders, Order Tracking, Vendor Bills

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The Sales Office - included free with AShop V - is a multi-user sales and order management system. It shares data with the automated shopping cart, which handles online orders 24/7 PLUS it provides a work space where sales people can login to manage messages, orders, vendors, purchase orders, order tracking, and vendor bills. Since the Sales Office is a server based system, data can be easily accessed from multiple locations simultaneously using Internet browsers.

Multi-user - The sales office is a complete CRM, online sales and order management solution, which can be accessed through a browser from anywhere that there is an Internet connection. Each operator has a unique username and password. Any number of operators can be logged in simultaneously.

Customer & Vendor Message Management - There are separate inboxes for customers and for vendors. Saved, sent and reply email messages are automatically stored within each customer's or vendor's history for easy reference and lookup.

Quotes - Create customer records and send quotes on the fly by email or by print/fax. Customizable header and footer for quotes. Save quotes and add notes to customer history. Quotes can then be converted to orders or invoices that can be paid online. This system is ideal for sales related email correspondence and telephone sales.

Invoices - Create and send invoices to customers. Emailed invoices include a link for each customer to pay online. When an invoice is sent, an unpaid order is created. Unpaid orders can be managed through sales reports.

AutoBill Automated Recurring Bills can be created manually or automatically. To create one manually, first create a quote, then convert it to a bill and set the recurring bill cycle. To create recurring bills automatically, first create a billing template, then assign products to the billing template. When the products are ordered a billing cycle is automatically created. ARB may be automatically set up from a billing template. billing templates work with your account, which must have ARB enabled. When ARB products are ordered and paid for through, an ARB is automatically created to charge the same credit card based on the billing cycle that is set in the ARB billing template.

Cross-referenced Order History & Vendor Purchase Orders - Customer history, orders, products, vendors, purchase orders, correspondence, notes, etc. are interrelated. In eMerchant, customer orders and related vendor purchase orders are cross referenced both directions so that related customer information can be looked up from the vendor purchase order and visa versa.

Report Order Order Status, Purchase Orders, Vendor Bills - Order status is reported and tracked at each step from the initial receipt of the order from the customer until all of the related vendor purchase orders are closed.

Purchase Orders - Vendor purchase orders are automatically created from new customer orders when the new orders for each vendor's products. Purchase orders are marked with the date when status is changed from new to sent (unshipped), from unshipped to shipped, from shipped to bill received, and from bill received to date paid.

Reports - Purchase order status reports provide a quick way to keep track of open orders. Vendor bill reports are used to report cost of sales and also to mark bills when paid.

Announcements, Reminders, Convenience Links - A common area of the page is on the left side. The store administrator can publish an announcement, which is then seen by all operators. Each operator can save reminders and add convenience links. The reminders and convenience links are then seen by all operators.

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Automated Online Order and Payment Processing System.
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Sales Office
Multi-user Sales System
Automated Shopping Cart
PLUS Backend Sales Office
with: Order Entry - Invoicing Vendors - Purchase Orders
Order Tracking - Vendor Bills
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Shopping Mall
Members join and contribute products, then earn commissions from sales. Options for individual shops or one main shop where customers select and order member products.
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