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Send a Free Downloadable Gift


It is possible to send a customer a free gift if the product contains a downloadable product file. Downloadable products will contain an extra button under them in Edit Products labeled Gift.




1.Click the Gift button to open a menu where you will enter the customer's Name, Email Address, Subject, and an HTML or Text format message.




Note: Use tags such as %email% in the message to send the customer's email address and %password% for the login password.


2.Click the Send Gift button to send the customer their free downloadable gift.



Free Products


When the total of all the products in a customer's shopping cart equals zero dollars, whether the products have a price of $0.00 or they used their Gift Certificate to purchase products, the local payment form will automatically be used. Order processing will be done using a built in payment option that uses All orders with only free products will be treated exactly like paid orders and the customers' billing info will be stored in the database.


This feature can be used as a sign up form for free membership resources because it collects customer information, creates and sends subscription directory password, and enters the customer into the AShop mailing list. It can also be used to get customer information before giving a free download or key code.